Shenanigans Cosplayers Say

Ep75: End of Season 3

February 05, 2023 La Vie Cosplay Season 3 Episode 75
Ep75: End of Season 3
Shenanigans Cosplayers Say
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Shenanigans Cosplayers Say
Ep75: End of Season 3
Feb 05, 2023 Season 3 Episode 75
La Vie Cosplay

Join LVC for our wrap up of season 3. We'll talk about future projects, finishing projects, YOLO 2023, the great guesting experiment, appearances, and more.

Cosplay Doubling Stream: Sundays starting February 26th at 7pm cst

The Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam by Beverly Downen
Live on Costalk Live February 12th 12pm MST/1pm CST at

Cosplay Cafe March 3rd 8pm CST at
An LVC production. You can find us on facebook, instragram, tiktok and twitter at La Vie Cosplay. Our podcast instagram is podcastscs. Our website is Have a fun, crazy con or cosplay related story? Absurd cosplay question? Or just something in general to share with us? Email us at or DM us at podcastscs. If you like what you heard please rate, review, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you for listening and remember; just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. for additional listening platforms

Show Notes Transcript

Join LVC for our wrap up of season 3. We'll talk about future projects, finishing projects, YOLO 2023, the great guesting experiment, appearances, and more.

Cosplay Doubling Stream: Sundays starting February 26th at 7pm cst

The Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam by Beverly Downen
Live on Costalk Live February 12th 12pm MST/1pm CST at

Cosplay Cafe March 3rd 8pm CST at
An LVC production. You can find us on facebook, instragram, tiktok and twitter at La Vie Cosplay. Our podcast instagram is podcastscs. Our website is Have a fun, crazy con or cosplay related story? Absurd cosplay question? Or just something in general to share with us? Email us at or DM us at podcastscs. If you like what you heard please rate, review, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you for listening and remember; just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. for additional listening platforms

 Ep 75: [Music] Elle: I know I'm still enamored with my new fancy camera it's very pretty thanks to HDC Fabrications for recommending my snazzy camera I don't even know what it is I would have to look what is my camera oh look a box it is uh Nexico I went look at all these cool features oh that price is good purchase so that's all I really know about it right now that's excellent that's it um it has a remote I can do things with a remote his whole menu it's a snazzy camera that will need for something that we'll talk about later all good things all good things um yep I'm Ash by the way oh yeah I'm l and we are lovey cosplay this is Sh*t cosplayers say and this is the wrap up episode for season three we have completed three seasons of the show that's crazy Ash: it's nuts to think about I feel like when we started this three years ago we had no idea no we had no idea what this was gonna turn into no we we had no clue yeah this was not we did not think we'd still be doing this three Seasons later we did not think that we would have listeners in 49 states because no one lives in Wyoming because no one loves them Canada is catching up to the United States here Toronto is now our third City so Toronto is catching up but all of British Columbia is still more than Toronto as far as the downloads so yep but no who would have thought that we would be on three seasons that we would have a comedy live show that goes with our podcast that we take to conventions and now after all the unpredictability of the last three years we are finally going to conventions well that's awesome I know it took a while but we're finally going to con speaking of con we have our first guesting announcement for 2023 we will be guests at Planet funkcon in Davenport Iowa August 25th through the 27th we do not know if we're doing the 18 plus show my guess is going to be no this is a Comic-Con so they don't have late night programming which means you will likely have the opportunity to see our all ages show at funkcon and we will be back in the judging seat for this convention so bring us our bring us your crafts and we shall judge them Ash: I shall judge them Elle: there will be more information about the contest as we get closer to I know they're going to be doing some revamping and some changes so stay tuned for that but that is still our only known plan for 2023 at this point and we're recording mid-January so as of in January this is all we know it's so weird Ash: it's more than we knew last time we recorded an episode Elle: it is more and less time recording episode and since last time we record an episode we have also um been asked to appear on a couple other podcasts so we will be on costalk live on their twitch Saturday February 12th at 1 pm Central Standard Time so come join us for Shenanigans with the cost talk Live Crew and then we will be on cosplay Cafe on their YouTube and twitch on Friday March 3rd at 8pm Central Standard Time so both of these podcasts record live so you have a couple opportunities to catch us live on those dates we will post on our Instagram of course with that information as we get closer to the dates as well so our Hiatus is in a weird spot this year because of Spain usually we take it over the holiday but um because Spain we had to take it like smack in the middle of September because of when Spain was we are going to be gone until March 19th so a short period of time and we will be uploading bonus episodes in between so there's still going to be material to listen to we just won't be officially starting the season until March 19th that is the plan at this point Ash: so you won't really be missing us because we'll send you postcards in the form of other episodes well a Elle: and if you really need more of us you can start joining us live on Twitch Ash: it's true Elle: so one of the things that we've both been struggling with or at least I know I've definitely been struggling with it is not having a competition due date is making it really hard for me to do anything I don't know what I want to work on because I don't have anything that has to be done so then I just kind of like flit around or I forget to work so one of the ideas I had was to do like a very casual crafting stream for like an hour a week and this isn't a tutorial stream it's not an instructional stream it's more like a body doubling option where like I'm just gonna I have this designated scheduled time where I'm going to work for one hour on something and you're welcome to join me um and body doubling is it's typically referred to as like an ADHD coping mechanism but it's basically two people working on something in the same space and by doing that it like helps you keep working because they're working Ash: is it similar to the concept of like parallel play Elle: it's very similar concept kind of comes from that but like this person's working so you're also working and you kind of keep each other going that way so you can come and join us on Twitch whenever you feel like it or if you feel like this helps you knowing that there's like a scheduled time each week that you can join someone in work any video on Twitch stays up for two weeks so you also have the opportunity to grab it at a different time if you want that opportunity to have that body doubling and you know we'll we'll both chat back and forth with all of you as well through the um the chat stream twitch now has this fun feature where you can just randomly bring somebody on so we might bring a friend on with us to also film and craft while we're we're working but like I said very very casual there's not gonna be fancy camera angles fancy lighting none of that it's just hopefully a way to help me keep moving forward I believe Ash will join us when she can but it's just a way to help keep things going because otherwise I have a bad feeling I'm just not going to do anything which is kind of how it's been like I can get like my rhinestones for you know Joanna done right now but um my machine's back and hinoto's still sitting in a box pulling her out and finishing her but it's hard because I don't have this like soon to be due date sitting for her so it's it's just it's tough and we're trying to do the thing where you finish the costume and then you go to the con because that is the healthier way to do it but when you've been doing it the other way for so long it takes a lot to change that routine so this is like my attempt to try to change this routine the stream will be on Sundays at 7 pm Central Standard Time on our twitch starting February 26th now obviously if we're at con or something it may or may not happen I mean if I have my computer and the hotel like Wi-Fi works and it's not a con that we're going back to like maybe we will hop on for a short period and be like hi how's everybody doing but we'll keep you in the loop but ideally unless there's some big conflict one of us will appear at 7 pm Central Standard time on Twitch on Sundays starting February 26th so that's the plan we'll set us we'll see how this goes I mean I'm trying I I think I've set it up so it's not like extensive amount of work because like I said we're not going to give Fancy with this so my beautiful fancy camera will come with me into the room but I'm not going to be doing any like snazzy lighting or angles or tutorials or it's just me working on something in a room and we all can chat through the chat if you want to but that's just the purpose is to kind of have that body doubling experience and that responsibility that like I need to get on here at this time on this day of the week and work on something we'll see if it works Ash:our executive producer is agreeing with you yes Elle; yes if you can't hear him he was singing earlier so yes maybe we should have him sing for our 100th episode Ash: yes speaking of singing so for those of you who that have been with us since the beginning or those of you that have gone back and listened to our whole catalog um we are in the 70s for our episodes right now and we promised you something very special for our uh 100th episode which was a musical episode now going back to what we were talking about I think when I conned Elle into agreeing to do this for our 100th episode she probably never thought we were actually going to get there but that is still the plan uh we are going to do our best to get you a musical episode um what it ends up being is gonna depend on a lot of different things there's a lot of legalities involved with things like songs that already exist and there's a lot of work involved with writing things from scratch so we're gonna figure it out and we're gonna do what we can we've got some cool ideas we've been throwing around but um that will likely be your season opener for season five so we can't promise it will legit be cosplay the musical because as as mentioned um for running into a lot of weird legal complications with this concept um one of them being that we may have be only able to release it on YouTube um because of the way that copyright laws treat radio and podcasting very differently than YouTube so we're trying to figure out what the best way is to actually create that because it went from a oh we're gonna do this silly episode we're going to call it this too now I think we could actually do like a musical show that we could do at a con so you may get a taste of it for the 100th episode we'll see um but something of a musical something will occur there will be an episode and there will be yes that is the only thing we can guarantee that's all we can guarantee that will happen but we will make sure there is an episode and their singing involved yeah so 2023 is very different from the rest of the years that we've had with this podcast so far because um for the most part covid has integrated into our society Ash:has it been 84 years Elle: it feels like it's been 80 for years does it does feel like 84 years I I think we're still in 2020 like it just seems like one giant year it's 20 20 plus three at this point um so something we'd like to try doing is actually go to a con that's not in the Midwest um I have never gone to a convention outside of the Midwest so I would like to experience that I mean you did when you lived in New York well yes okay so I'm in Spain obviously went to Spain and I did I did go to so when I lived in New York I went to nycc I went to um anime next um but I haven't gone to a con outside of the Midwest at my current like competition craftsmanship level because when I went to I wasn't doing cosplay anymore when I went to those conventions um I did them for work Ash: well and when I when I did that too I was doing them for work it was part of my college internship I travel around the country and went to a bunch of cons um which let me tell you is a great College internship experience but again it wasn't for cosplay it was for work and it's totally different Elle: yeah so I'd like to experience it at the level we are now um just to see like how different it is and and whatnot um and that will roll a little bit into our guesting experiment we'll see but we're hoping to try to hit something that isn't the Midwest which does mean we have to fly if we're trying to hit a coast we're gonna have to fly but we'll see how it goes I know a lot of you've been asking about when are we returning to competing um we're hoping to compete at least once but we just we don't want it to be all consuming again um ICL was very very consuming for a lot of reasons a lot of it had to do with the whole pandemic situation um so we did make the decision that we are not doing another International this year um so I know a lot of people were hoping that we'd hop right back on the train um but we just don't think we can do it right now it's too much Ash I feel like we've earned after being stuck in like our holding pattern ICL I mean we started doing our planning in 2018 2019 was consumed by crafting and then it's been 2020 for the past three years so I feel like we've earned a break and we can take a year off from it and it'll be I just want to go to some cons I don't want all my time off pulled into one convention basically I'm not in one costume yeah and one costume I just I want to I just want to make some stuff which we'll talk about that well and we were looking at GICOF was the - when we were looking at but um Holmat the rumor is it's Christmas weekend oh no thanks honestly I don't know if I'll ever be able to go home at home that's a terrible time maybe when they move to the new Convention Center it'll move away from Christmas and then it won't be horrible I wish it was like one weekend before right like either one weekend before or like one weekend after Christmas but or two weekends like two weeks even if it was in New Year's weekend like that would be fine but like not the weekend before Christmas or the weekend of which rumor has it those were the dates that we're seen by people at the con this year so we'll see if it's true or not that seems very silly so I would hope not so if we're not focusing so heavily on our internationalists and competing we would also like to try to remember to actually take photos and video while we're at a convention well that's really weird we've never remembered to do that in like almost 10 years we might get like a selfie and then we're like oh yeah like the fact that we got a video on the stairs at North was pretty impressive like we just don't we go especially if we're working um and we haven't gone to a con and not been working for so long that I don't know if it would be easier to work these things in when we're not working or not because like we haven't done that in Forever no we only went to cons if we were working and they were paying for us to be there because financially with Spain we just couldn't you know do it so well and even when we've tried to go to cons for fun we always end up doing programming or something else so I can't remember the last time we went to a con just to go to a con we don't do that we only go if we're doing programming or we're competing there's no reason to go otherwise like there's just that's what we do when we go to Khan so there's no reason to go if we're not doing that I mean seeing your friends is nice which we'd like to do more of we would like to carve out more time to see people perhaps pick conventions so we can see people um I know I really missed everybody from Fusion last year so I'm gonna try to go fortunate that my work schedule is changing in a way that greatly benefits me for going to con yeah yeah yeah why do you work somewhere long enough you start getting the good days this year that's when you when you work tens and you start getting the good days as your your days off you know it's the way it goes you know I'd like to see more people you know focus a little bit more on that and not so much like you know we were going to cons and still working on stuff for Ico we were going to cons and rehearsing because that was the only time we could get together like I want to go back to like being able to see people and remember why we go to Khan why we do this to ourselves the focus of you know the next season is going to be why like what is this community that we've held on to for 20 plus years what does it mean to be a part of this community what are the different factions of this community because the community is more than certain group of cosplayers like there's so many other people involved in this community so we will be exploring that for season four but we also have podcast work to do too that we have to decide on we I promise you we're getting this thing on YouTube people yes it is a major goal for us for this priority it is a high priority that we've probably finally get this on YouTube I know you all have been waiting and begging for it to be on YouTube I did a a poll and there are so many of you that will listen to this if we can get it on YouTube so we're we're gonna do it there's like one missing piece left and then we should be able to start cranking them out and sticking them up there so many um we figured out like making a photo into a video thing and whatnot so now we just have to get the file and then sync it and wait forever and then put it up there so um however it does look like YouTube removed their closed captioning um feature in the unpaid version so um our whole idea that this was going to give us our transcripts is not going to work tldr about that because to be continued yeah well we're just whole Spiel gonna be back to figuring out how we're going to get transcripts without paying for a service that does our transcripts but maybe if we figure some other things out we might be able to pay for a service that does transcripts because we are still trying to figure out whether or not we want to do an LLC what we want that to look like do we have time for it um but then that would ultimately lead us into having an online store for merchandise which many of you have asked for for a long period of time as well as boothing at conventions and then patreon which I know many of you have been waiting to see what the patreon would be so if we hope we I think we haven't pretty figured out what it'll look like um I just have to make sure that it's manageable between the two of us and how we want so we have to we have to have business meeting finally and go through like what we think we can handle what we think we want this to look like what do we want our Revenue to pay for um so we can ultimately figure out if it's worth it or not um if it's something that could be managed um All That Jazz so you know it's not something you want to just jump into and hope it's going to work like we've gotta make sure it's something that fits since we as we say so many times we both work full-time jobs well and obviously uh we've been doing this for 70 plus episodes at this point so it's not going anywhere anytime soon you're stuck with us but it would be nice to have some Revenue come in um largely so we can get to you um which we will talk about that next here but um you know one of the things that we really like to do is be able to bring the live show outside of the Midwest we are attempting to submit to conventions for the first time ever in previous cases all our guesting appearances have come to us we haven't really like reached out to conventions to have us show up we are sticking to the United States and Canada we would really like to go to British Columbia because after Illinois and Minnesota British Columbia is like our third to Fourth highest depending on the day it it bounces back and forth with Iowa so you know we would love to get to your neck of the woods if we could you know and we get that growth of something like our podcast is really dependent on being able to get to you which is what we would ultimately be using like the patreon in the Teespring and like the table merchandise to do is to help us pay to get to you because conventions don't necessarily like to pay for guests it's just a thing sometimes you can get it to happen a lot of times you can't and also only sticking with cons that are going to bring you as a guest limits what conventions you can go to and so there are cons that we really really would like to do that we think the live show would do really well at but probably are not going to bring us as guests so our intent would be to take that revenue and put it back into the show so we can actually bring the live show to all of you but we are gonna do a little experiment I have a ginormous spreadsheet it's color-coded it's huge and I'm going to be using it to track some data that we will talk about at the end of the season I know a lot of people are curious about how this whole guesting thing works how what happens when you send things out I see a lot of Stories on Instagram like is it just me that I'm not getting responses and I think what we're going to be able to show you is it's not just you so we're going to track how many cons we submit to when we submitted to them typically it's about a six month in advance thing that is recommended usually of those cons that we have contacted how many did we already have a connection with how many actually respond how many s's to work for free which we've already had two so we've already had two that were like yes we would really love your programming please come and submit it no that's not I mean I'm I'm grateful that they responded that was really nice but that that's not what we were that's what thinking um and then ultimately how many we end up doing you know Ash and I've talked about this a little bit already but both of us are kind of on the same page where we don't expect a lot of responses I expect that when we do get responses a lot of them will want us to work for free which our contract is ridiculously reasonable and we probably under charge so we are not going to give out any specifics about these cons by the way so we're not giving you contact information for them we're not giving you what they were willing to pay for us what they weren't none of that um they deserve to have their privacy so we're not going to share that but we were kind of about this the other day and we both kind of agreed we don't think we're gonna book anything that we weren't already gonna book already and that that I mean that makes sense you're you know if you've met somebody in person you have a working relationship with a convention or you have a working relationship with someone who is close to the convention who can bring you in you are more likely to book but you know obviously our one of our largest barriers is the fact that our social media numbers are really low so for a lot of conventions why would you book The crafter with the low numbers when you could book The crafter with the high numbers for the same amount of money or less in some cases you know we get it we try but social media doesn't like us we just cannot build our numbers no matter what we do we have that kind of against us we don't have the numbers we did start submitting late as well so we um lost about a four month period of time uh because we were too busy with Spain and so we were not submitting to conventions but we'll likely submit to some Maybe for the following year so it may all like data wise balance out but we'll see we also have a lot of blackout dates that are on like major con weekends that eliminates a massive amount of conventions that's because for some weird reason cons all liked a book on the exact same video it's because all conventions want to be in June July or August all of them and unfortunately our conflict our conflict weekends are not the same weekends nope they are opposite weekends so like we lost all of June almost because of conflicts in a large chunk of July because of conflicts like and then everything is just in August and it's like stop putting every convention in August we could literally go to a con every weekend in August within a three hour radius from us if we wanted to August is packed but well and of course we live in BFE so there's not any decent sized cons unless we're willing to drive at least three hours well and that's the other big issue that we have is we can't just pick up stuff locally like conventions are gonna have to be willing to legit pay for like actual travel for us which a lot of them are not going to want to do flights are absurdly expensive unless we can drive financially it probably doesn't make a lot of sense to a con so you know we'll submit to them you know if they have to fly us that's probably going to hurt our chances of being booked one of our other issues is conventions don't understand podcast numbers like our numbers don't look like critical role nor will they ever but they are very good for the type of podcast that we have but those numbers are not the type of numbers they get they understand the absurd amount of downloads critical role has but not what we have so the podcast numbers don't really help us because they don't necessarily understand them and I mean the big one is we just we don't want to work for free like completely free if I'm gonna work for free I'm just gonna go to the con yeah I don't want to work like it's just does there's no benefit to us doing that like there's just literally no benefit like and we get it like there are a lot of people that have better numbers than us who will take a free gig there are good for them yeah like there's a lot of people can take just a booth because they have a business and it benefits them or they have a sponsor who's helping to pay for them be at the con like that's awesome that's great we we're not gonna do that because it doesn't benefit us in that way like we don't do this full-time this isn't our job so you know if if it's your job it's kind of like someone who works an artist alley like you're paying to be there to work but then you ideally the revenue you get makes up for it but we're not in that position so for us it doesn't make a whole lot of sense well and we are submitting both as cosplayers but also as entertainers so we'll kind of see what happens there really since gosh 2019 we've only been booked as entertainers Funk cons kind of the first time in a while we've been booked more as cosplayers and that's mostly because we can't do the live show because they don't really have 18 plus programming but we are gonna probably do the all ages show yeah we haven't been booked as judges in eons it's always it's been entertainment for a long time so we're working on some new shows and different fun entertainment content that we'll hopefully have done sometime towards the end of the year if you want to see us at a con you should submit us to the convention because that helps it really does or when they do their little like social media posts of who do you want as a guest in 2023 you should put us on the social media post tell your friends to do the same because that will ultimately Drive whether or not they take interest in a guest cons want to book people that their attendees want to see so when you fill out your surveys or fill out the guesting suggestion forms or send your emails or respond on your socials keep that in mind so instead of us focusing heavily on the next big giant competition we're just gonna make all our childhood cosplay dreams come true I mean that's valid right I mean we look through our like list of things we want to make and they're legit all old school so get ready except for I guess um Ninja's Shadow isn't super old it just makes me happy who doesn't want to cosplay an atomic game let's do it yeah it just makes me happy right that's basically what it is is we're just we're gonna do whatever makes us happy this year that's it yeah we're not we don't care if we're doing the perfect thing for this contest or we're doing this perfect thing to get this opportunity we're just gonna do whatever the hell we want it's a weird concept we haven't done that for a while but live our best life we're just gonna live our best lives and see what happens yeah that's yeah YOLO YOLO 2023. So speaking of that some of the things I'm hoping to do this year since we aren't like heavily consumed by one project is I do want to try to compete by myself in Solo performance and crafts I haven't really done that I've really only competed by myself like once um and crafts wasn't involved you know for me I think it's it's more of a I need to do it to realize that like yes like your things are also at Masters level you no longer rely on ash to make everything you made almost all of our last project like it is a thing it is much more evened out but I just want I just feel like I need to try to do it by myself once just to do it I do want to start working with some foam I did by Beverly downen's uh foam crafting book hopefully I can start playing with some things in there might make some good old armor might throw it Way Way Back to the old school times for some armor armor we'll see I did randomly get some silk fans and I want to learn how to play with them um so I'm looking at different like solo performance opportunity kind of things because solo performance especially bear contest is much difficult and they also typically significantly limit your time so I'm looking at other things that I can use to help with that process if I go to like do a performance by myself and I was going to try to look for like performance opportunities outside of Khan but the more I look the more I don't find them so we'll we'll see if uh anything appears but in my area it's pretty much only burlesque we'll see what happens not that I have anything against burlesque but I don't know that I financially can do what some of these troops expect you to do producing brand new costumes every month and that kind of thing so but I am going to try to finish costumes I started it's a good goal yeah so hopefully we'll finish you know too um there's a couple small pieces missing from Harley and then Oogie still needs she's supposed to have detailed like tights and arm socks and there's a snake like there's a couple of detail things that are missing from Oogie so um finish Iggy up this kind of fully complete things that are hanging out so that I don't have these like partially started costumes all over the place what I know I might make a stash costume we'll see I will have a lot of white and purple so um I was looking at one of the Harvest goddesses from Harvest Moon because she's white and purple just because I have a massive amount of this fabric after hinoto's done just to like use it for something I'm hopefully gonna start Shiva but I am super focused on making sure this wig is wearable so she's going to take me a lot longer than I initially anticipated I'm trying to decide what kind of fiber I want to use for the wig whether I want to do yarn or actual wig hair what type of inner structure I want to use what different types of attachments I want to use because of course she's a bodysuit so hiding attachments like I did for Judah is much more difficult in a bodysuit we'll see there'll probably be some LEDs play with some LEDs and whatnot but I don't want to be like I'm gonna finish her by this date because I don't really want to rush through this project she's been on my list for a long time and she is a lot but that's also because I'm gonna make things that I want to make because I want to so if I start on Shiva and then I want to make something else I'm gonna let myself do that instead of being like you can only work on this one thing and that's it because you need to get it done for the competition nah nah now now because now we're just gonna pick things after they're done so it doesn't matter I am continuing my D stash so I'm probably about 60 done with my house at this point um I really really really need to go through all of my um cosplay craft room type things so my con closet that has my costumes I say closet it's not a literal closet But Costumes um con Fashions accessories shoes wigs that I don't use and a lot of half-started projects that I need to either you know finish something uh repair something sell something repurpose it or donate it if it's salvageable because I just I need it out of my house I do want to try to go to a Condos for fun I don't really know what that looks like um I don't know if I will achieve that or not because I feel like every time that I think I'm going to do it it doesn't happen and I end up working whether it's just a panel or like oh we need help with this and we're like totally do that it is the curse that we bear it is the curse that we built we also like doing panels so that's not necessary not fun like any excuse that I get to do our live show I will do it because it's a lot of fun it is um I also kind of feel like at this point I need a project that's 100 me so like the benefit of having a partnership is you can skill Swap and you can trade pieces and especially if you're doing group project it's super super efficient um it's awesome for quality control because then you know like all of these types of pieces are going to be at the same level um so you don't have staggering types of different quality or use of materials Etc but like looking back at our catalog I don't really remember when the last time there was something where I made it a hundred percent by myself I used to do it all the time but because we switched it switched where you made it everything and then it started like flipping but I mean legit like looking back I don't think I've done a hundred percent of a single project since like our first year back oh no probably not I mean and I hadn't until Harley but I know like it's affected my self-esteem especially like the last couple years when we haven't really been making anything right looking at you imposter syndrome I see you over there also speaking of that I have this really weird aversion to talking about projects and I don't know what it is with anybody literally for years at this point I just I it makes me really uncomfortable and I don't know how it started but I have this very internalized almost like fear of talking about them and I don't know what exactly it is that I'm afraid of but I know it's something that I need to work on so that's a goal for 2023. well because when you talk about it then you have to do it maybe I don't know I don't know but it's just it's in here and it like the thought of it just causes me stress that also means that you can slowly start giving me work in progress to post on our social media yep um I do have a couple of solo builds I've been putting off for literally years um I need to figure out which one I want to do or not um I thought about just kind of playing with them and then seeing kind of where it takes me without really having a plan involved or they all have they're all mostly sewn for their structure and they've got structured undergarments underneath of them there are three very different garments but all the detail work is what you actually see and that's the majority of the costume is the detail work so I thought about just starting with some of those pieces and just seeing where it takes me feels relaxing to just be able to work on something like flowers or applique or yeah painting and then just there's no due date so whenever you do it to it you get to it and yeah um but no deadlines just you know seeing what happens I'm really really tired of sewing that's fair I am also tired of sewing I love sewing so don't get me wrong I do love sewing but I feel like it's the only thing I've been able to do for cosplay and for the longest time and I just I'm really tired of it oh look at that we're both on the wavelength where we both want to make things that aren't 100 sewing check that out yeah well and I just missed doing like art type things I used to make I used to do artist alleys um back in the day and while I don't think I would ever want to legit do like artist La tables again because I just personally know how that kind of time um I think I'd like to just start making things just because I want to um I recognize that I kind of have a like a privilege with my career and my like household finances where I can just make things because I want to without having to worry about like how much the materials cost or you know what I'm gonna do with the piece when I'm done or if something doesn't end up working out how much money I wasted or if I'll be able to sell it and get my funds back like just make it to make it and not have to worry about it I missed that so there's a theme Here we're just gonna make things yeah we're just gonna make things with no deadlines because we want to and it makes us happy we've got some very silly plans for some things as well that we cannot share at this time but yes it is the year of just trying stuff and making things and not worrying if it's the right thing I think that's what I need most of all is not wearing with or not it's like the perfect choice we spend a lot of time researching and studying to figure out what the perfect choice is for a competition and I don't want to anymore too much stress it puts too much like emphasis on that project then and then it also makes me feel like I can't do anything else because that has to take like all the attention so yeah that's just that's another perk of having no doublinds is that if you decide that you want to work on something else you can like if I decide that I want to beat appliques one day and then the next day I decide that I want to play with ribbon and then the day after that I decide I want to make silk flowers and the day after that I decide that I want to paint feathers like I can bounce around between all the projects because yellow 2023 that's it's such a weird concept I don't I haven't wrapped my head around it I think that's why I need the the doubling stream because I need something to Anchor myself because there isn't that like sense of urgency to make me like constantly work on stuff like I have a photo shoot date for Joanna so I'm working on Joanna because I have a photo shoot date so she has like a due date but like like I you know does just sitting there I could be sewing flat seams for the rest of my life but she's still sitting in a box I know I don't know why I terrible decision terrible decision I mean it'll be pretty when it's done I'm just joking right now lovely when she's done but I'm not going to want anything to do with sewing after this which luckily you know what's left for Oogie Is Not sewing and what's left for Harley is Not sewing um and then we'll see what I do after kinoto Harley and oh geordan the only sewing on Shiva is the bodysuit I may skip to an armor project or you know I don't think I'll be able to skip to Sinbad because he's also flat-filled seems forever so he's probably gonna get tabled for a while um you could just do his magic vessels I mean I could I could just and then worry about the sewing after that's true this little dagger would be a good baby's first weapons project yeah sword yeah yeah um I would also like to mention that every time you say the word Joanna obviously I know you're talking about you Joanna the goanna but I automatically get the song from Sweeney Todd in my head every single time I'm talking about the best Disney princess obviously the egg is a couple thousand rhinestones by the way as a jokes I need to buy more so I was like oh I'll just use some of like the leftover ones from Harley yeah I ran out and I had to buy two more packs oops I mean having clear rhinestones around is not exactly a bad thing let's be honest that's like a staple in the stash that's been an interesting project too is I didn't actually have to sew anything I just got to do the details and it's been really nice like I had to skip the sewing and just do like detail work on her and I'm like this is kind of nice nice that sounds nice this is nice I have a costume that I bought that's kind of like that that I could do at some point because I bought Beto um but I but I hate all of her details but the part that I really didn't want to do was all the crazy designs on the on the fabric so I could just keep all the fabric bits and replace literally everything else I mean ning Wong needs a little bit of an upgrade but we obviously have to do a photo shoot with those two at some point so yeah obviously it's a good plan our year of no plan which just means you guys need to join us on Instagram so you can get in real time updates on our plans because that is where you will find them yeah because right now we don't have them because we don't have them right now so the most up-to-date you can stay with us is if you join us on Instagram at Lobby cosplay true story so in the in between you're still gonna get some sort of an episode if you are not already subscribed to the podcast on Spotify or apple or whatever podcatcher you choose to use please do so that helps us a ton in other people seeing the podcast you can also rate and review on Spotify or apple podcasts hi executive producer or executive producer climbed in my lap and started guessing thanks oh he said so do you want to say hi to the people and say hello no you're gonna be shy now hello yeah that's the microphone let's not take a chunk out of this windscreen with your teeth he apparently did take a chunk out of um Ash's previous windscreen so there's a piece missing yeah yes that was for the other microphone no not on this one because you're on your phone right now right this one is still good it's still whole well I guess he didn't want to talk to all of you today see we gave him the opportunity to talk and now he doesn't want to I'm sure you've heard him in the background literally this entire time I've been chattering in the background the entire time but now we gave him the microphone needed someone talk L did you see the ball go flying by my head yes yes um so I bought him an extra pack of these little plastic balls for this lovely toy that Elle gave us that you know makes music and Pops balls up in the air it's very obnoxious all of the balls were on the mini trampoline that my brother bought for Christmas so he was jumping on the trampoline shooting the balls throughout the house including or right past my head he needed an extra hour in the ball pit he did need an extra hour in the ball pit so you gotta look out for buying projectiles while you're recording maybe if you're lucky our executive producer one of these days will choose to join us on our Sunday stream I mean he will probably run through it at some point yep it's inevitable I think it's inevitable that he's going to seek into your crafting room and like run by at some point in time I have a magic new tool that I got I bought it for myself for Christmas after several years it's an iRobot oh nice his name is Dustin he claims my Fortress because of course obviously I had to make my roomba's name a pun right oh I got the um speaking of machines I got the bias tape maker so I need to play with that we'll see I hear it works okay but I really hate making bias tape so we're gonna see if this makes it better ironing forever um it does it for you it just runs it right you run it through the machine and it folds it and it irons it for you that's what I want in my life I just want it to do its little thing but sometimes I hear you have to pull it through for it like it doesn't go through I feel like anything to make bias tape making easier is probably worth it um I will take a tweezers and pull it through I don't care do I have to sit there and try to fold it because with my dexterity issues that doesn't work very well for me so if this machine does the little foldy thing for me and then I have to pull it through so it like seals it I don't care because my hands can't manage the bias tape folding at this point like it's all it doesn't work very well for me so we'll see if it works or not I haven't played with it yet but then I can make I could also finish Hikaru I left her off the list because I haven't been working on her because I need to make a stupid amount of gold bias tape for her outfit I also have to do more foam work for her so I guess she'd be another good foam project and boot cover things so we'll see yolo2023 yeah it's just making things 20 23 and we see what we have maybe wearable things that'd be good wearable things yeah I mean Harley and a gear wearable so that's nice wearable things but we also have two that match because we have that weird now that would be weird yeah our matching costumes are not so well kogioku and Judah actually aren't bad when you take like the 500 skirts off and like a ball or two off the wig they're actually not bad at all they're pretty reasonable they don't take very long to get into either so they're really much fun manageable now they're pretty manageable yeah with all those skirts gone she's she's not too bad at all she's so much more comfortable without all of the scared and 500 billion skirts stick with us join us for our shenanigans we'll see you on the other side in March yep wish us luck yes if Anthony has to be ever in our favor we'll see join us on the stream on Sunday February 26th at 7 pm Central Standard Time we'll see what we're working on I don't know yeah figure it out you don't know yet I don't know we'll see we'll get there we'll get there but I'm l we are lovely cause and this is [ __ ] cosplayers say you've been listening to [ __ ] cosplayers say and lvc production you can find us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter at podcast SCS our website is have a fun crazy con or cosplay related story absurd cosplay question or just something in general to share with us email us at podcast SCS thank you for listening and remember just because you can doesn't mean you should